The Elemental Shoot

Katie Crook
Katie Crook, our Producer, sorted out all the access permissions for the demolition site.

Dougie's flat
In Dougie's flat, a combination of masses of kit, smoke machine and dozens of bodies create a memorable atmosphere.

Smoky entrance hall
Has someone been smoking in here??

Jan Pester DOP
Who pushed Louise off the balcony?

Donald MacSween
Donald from Progressive camera hire in Glasgow was our Data Wrangler, or Red DIT to give him his posh title (Digital Information Technologist). Because we shot at maximum 4K resolution on the revolutionary new Red system he had to change the flash cards as often as would have been the case with film magazines - we got about four minutes per card. These then had to be downloaded to a hard drive and checked.

Lights on set
Jan's lighting had to cope with extremes from blazing sun through the window to darkness outside. When you watch the film you can't see the joins. Nice one Jan!

Crew watch from the stair
It's always a good idea to keep the audience in mind.

Mits with camera
Mits in a blur of action.

Louise Ludlow and Amylia Harris
What a larff we had...

Demolition on Leith Walk
We even got matching tenements in the background...

Lights aiming down the stair well
The skylight at the top of the stair was covered over with a tarpaulin - then all the "daylight" was added by Jan and his team, the indefatigable Steve from Lighttrack, Robert and Dave.

Kit in the living room
We did mention the piles of gear? (Thanks Doug - you can come home now.)

Rocco Gutteridge with Elemental head
And if everything became too boisterous there was always Rocca to bring a serious note back to our endeavours.

Rob Sproul-Cran and Ollie Sproul-Cran on location
Rob Sproul-Cran (son of Robert the Writer/Director) is boom op on the first location day. He also wrote and performs the closing music. More at On the right is his brother Ollie, who was a meticulous Script Editor for the project.

More stair head lights
Ah, those casually falling little pools of light...

Jan Pester focuses
Jan does his thing.

Jan and Amylia look upstairs
While Amylia does the antipodean version of housework - she adds dust and cobwebs.

Louise and Rocca pull off boots
Here, Lousie pulls her boots off Rocca. We had to explain to Rocca that Elementals don't wear trainers. A nice pear of leather boots, however...